
About SMS & TitleExpress

From title and closing production systems to trust accounting, SMS delivers solutions that span the entire real estate closing process—seamlessly integrating front office tasks with back office processes to make your life easier and your business stronger.

SMS was founded in 1975 to work closely with settlement service professionals and banks to reconcile escrow trust accounts and automate tracking of individual file balances. With technology and automation as the driving strategy, SMS has grown to be a leading provider of real estate information services to the US mortgage and title insurance industries. SMS has acquired and developed a portfolio of innovative products and services to become One Source, Many Solutions to the title and settlement industry.

We understand that the title and settlement arena is always in motion, and the regulatory environment is constantly changing. That is why we offer more best practice solutions than any other provider. Nothing is more important to title and settlement professionals than having someone on their side - an expert team with extensive experience, the strength to help, and targeted products and services to help make the most from each and every transaction with SMS.

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